If you have a lose denture that can't be retained in the mouth, having discomfort to your tissue, or gagging, then snap-on dentures may be a good fit for you.
Snap-on dentures are dentures that are held in place by dental implants. This stabilizes the denture allowing you to have an increase in chewing forces ability, less material in the mouth, and no fear of the denture falling out.. Comfort is greatly improved as the denture does not get support from resting on the tissue alone. Having a snap-on denture also preserves bone loss resulting in a better facial appearance, and a better ability to eat.
Are you a candidate for a snap-on denture? If you have a desire for a snap-on denture and are missing teeth plus in good health than you are a good candidate.
What is the procedure for a snap-on denture?
We start by placing 2-4 dental implants in the jaw. The amount depends on many factors such as quality of bone and the bite. Most people have little to no discomfort from the implant placement as we work hard to keep you comfortable during and after placement. These implants then have to wait a few months for the bone to bond to the implant.
Once the implants are stable in the bone they are connected to the denture so that they can be snapped in and out of the mouth.